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瘦肩/瘦腿塑体 Slim Shoulder / Stove Leg Sculpting


​Chu Skin

Slim Shoulder / Stove Leg Sculpting


Improper living habits and posture, or natural muscular development will lead to developed shoulder trapezius muscles and broad shoulders. Miss sister who loves beauty and cannot do without high heels, because of wearing high heels for a long time, or the muscular calves caused by long-term exercise and walking are also troublesome. ChuSkin's Botox and Dyport body shaping needles can improve the two aforementioned parts. Say goodbye to well-developed calves and thick shoulders, and quickly have girl group legs and girly right-angled shoulders.

suitable for the crowd

  • 针对小腿肌肉以及肩部肌肉发达影响外观的体型
    A body shape that affects appearance due to the development of calf muscles and shoulder muscles.

  • 想让小腿以及肩部线条更精致完美的小仙女
    A little fairy who wants to make the calf and shoulder lines more delicate and perfect.

  • 想通过非手术方式达到提升少女气质的小姐姐
    Miss sisters who want to improve the girlish temperament through non-surgical methods.


60 Minutes

Supplementary information

  • 一对一专家面诊,针对你的体型提供专业美体方案
    One-to-one expert face-to-face consultation, providing professional body shaping solutions for your body shape.

  • 恢复迅速、创面极微小的非手术针式治疗
    Non-surgical acupuncture treatment with rapid recovery and minimal wounds

  • 注射时间短,无疤痕,不影响日常生活行走及工作
    Short injection time, no scars, does not affect daily walking and work.


  • 塑体针注射后要注意保护好注射区域不要受到挤压,避免剧烈运动:
    After the injection of the body shaping needle, pay attention to protect the injection area from being squeezed and avoid strenuous exercise:

    • 注射瘦腿针后注意避免跑步、跳绳等增加小腿压力的运动
      Pay attention to avoid running, skipping rope and other sports that increase the pressure on the calf after injection of the thin leg injection

    • 注射瘦肩针后注意不要提重物等给肩部带来压力的动作
      Be careful not to lift heavy objects and other actions that put pressure on the shoulder after the injection of the thin shoulder needle.

  • 避免用力摩擦注射部位影响注射效果。
    Avoid rubbing the injection site hard to affect the injection effect.

  • 避免吃刺激性食物,不要饮酒。
    Avoid spicy food and don't drink alcohol.

Chu Skin


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Chu Skin


11:00 - 19:00


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